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Rwanda not to bow to U.S. pressure on used clothes: official KIGALI, June 22 (Xinhua) -- Rwanda will not bow to pressure from United States to revise its decision on the importation of used clothes, Rwandan Minister of State in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and East African Community Olivier Nduhungirehe said Friday. "The issue that has been in media about U.S. pushing for lenient taxes on second hand clothes, Rwanda maintains its original stand that the country will keep the decision to discourage import of used clothes, in order to promote 'Made in Rwanda' products," he said at a press conference in Kigali, capital city of Rwanda. According to him, Rwanda appreciates the U.S. government for having initiated the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and it was at the discretion of United States to withdraw the AGOA benefits. "Rwanda maintains its stand because we need to promote our local textile industry. AGOA was an initiative of the United States and we cannot change their decision on Rwanda," he added. U.S. President Donald Trump in March said he will suspend the application of duty-free treatment to all the AGOA-eligible goods in the apparel sector for Rwanda in 60 days and the 60-day period had passed. This follows a decision by East African countries to raise tariffs on second-hand clothing imports, in order to promote local manufacturing capacity in garment and other industries.
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