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In general in astrology Scorpio is thought to be the most powerful sign emotionally, but they also have some bad parts of that reputation as well. If a Scorpion is really frustrated, it will supposedly sting itself to death. People who have been on the wrong side of a Scorpio personality know what a Scorpio can do. With a Leo ascendent they are now much more capable of expressing outwardly. Leo loves being in the forefront being on stage and getting all the recognition and the pats on the back and the money and everything else that goes with it. Leo just wants to be loved by everybody. Now, with the Cancer moon that would probably be in the Twelfth house, there would be a need for some type of spiritual sensitivity. [A Cancer moon] should make him a little bit more sensitive. And actually, Cancer moons have better receptivity to the public, as the sign of Cancer rules the general public. [During Cancer season they] get a little bit more sensitive, more intense. He can probably communicate the depths of his feelings, being a Scorpio, if he wants to.
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